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Ben Robin Matthew 4:1-11 The Temptation of Jesus The sound on this recording is spotty but gets better as it goes along.
Ben Robin Matthew 4:1-11 The Temptation of Jesus The sound on this recording is spotty but gets better as it goes along.
Pastor Darren King Take Jesus at His Word: John 1035-36; Matthew 5:17-20, 12:38-42, 19:3-5 Jesus had supreme confidence in Scripture’s authority; Jesus had supreme confidence in Scripture’s history; Jesus had supreme confidence in Scripture as … Read More
Darren King: Matthew 4:12-17 The Good News of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ and how it is good news because Jesus is still on the Throne; Jesus is a different kind of king; the kingdom … Read More
Isaac Farley: Matthew 2:1-12 God’s Greatest Gift to us is Jesus Christ His Son.