Pastor Darren L. King 1 Peter 3:8-17 The Conduct of those who Suffer for Righteousness’ sake: Called to suffer for Righteousness’ sake; Righteous sufferers bless and do not curse; righteous suffers fear God and not … Read More
The Savior of the World John 4:16-42
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Pastor Darren L. King John 4:16-42 The Savior of the World: The Father GATHERS true worshipers; The Spirit GROWS mature disciples; Jesus sends out faithful laborers to GO and make disciples
The Pervasive Providence of God James 4:13-17
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Pastor Darren L. King James 4:13-17 The Pervasive Providence of God: The Pervasive Problem of our Arrogant Boasting; The Pervasive Proclamation of the Providence of God; Doing Right Now Counts Forever