Pastor Darren King Mark 16:1-8 The Resurrection of the King; The facts of the resurrection; the foundation of our faith is the person and work of Jesus Christ; The Resurrection changes everything
Christ’s Sacrifice for Sinners Part II Mark 15:21-47
Pastor Darren King Mark 15:21-47 Christ’s Sacrifice for Sinners: The crucifixion reals Christ’s love; the crucifixion reveals Christ’s Lordship; the crucifixion reveals Christ’s substitutionary Atonement.
Christ’s Sacrifice for Sinners Mark 15:1-20
Pastor Darren King Mark 15:1-20 Christ’s sacrifice for sinners: the servant king left his throne in heaven to suffer for us; the servant king suffered according to the plan and purposes of God on our … Read More
Are You the Christ? Mark 14:53-72
Pastor Darren King Mark 14:53-72 Are you the Christ? Those who reject Christ will do anything to condemn them; Christ is the judge and will judge those who reject Him; Those who follow Jesus must … Read More
Let the Scriptures be Fulfilled Mark 14: 43-52
Pastor Darren King Mark 14:43-52 Let the Scriptures be fulfilled: Your actions and God’s providence; God’s purposes in salvation in the person and work of Jesus Christ; Fear not
The Institution of the Lord’s Supper Mark 14:22-25
Pastor Darren King Mark 14:22-25 The Institution of the Lord’s Supper; the implications of the Lord’s Supper; The Insights of the Lord’s Supper
The Sacrifice of Extravagant Love Mark 14:1-11
Pastor Darren King Mark 4:1-11 The heart of those who reject Christ; the heart of a faithful disciple; the heart of a tepid disciple; the heart of a false disciple; the heart of God
Be on your guard and stay awake! Mark 13:28-37
Mark 13:28-37 Pastor Darren King Be on your guard and stay awake!; Watch yourselves; Trust in His word; Follow His word; Be faithful; Look for Christ in His word, His Body, in the nations.
Be on your guard concerning judgement and salvation Mark 13:24-27
Mark 13:24-27 Pastor Darren King Be on your guard concerning Judgment and salvation; God’s sovereign control; the coming of the Son of Man; repentance and belief